About Us

Our Story
After suffering a seven year battle with breast cancer, Elizabeth Chanakira, lost her life to cancer on 23 December 2010. Throughout her illness, her daughter – Teurai Chanakira – realized how difficult it was for her mother to get treatment due to the exorbitant costs. She began to think of how marginalized cancer patients in Zimbabwe could possibly afford it.

Cancer is not only the leading cause of death globally, but also in Zimbabwe according to the Zimbabwe National Cancer Registry. In light of this, and a desire to make a difference for marginalized cancer patients in the country - the Elizabeth Chanakira Cancer Trust (ECCT) was birthed in May 2011.
The ECCT was registered in Harare, Zimbabwe on 13 May 2011, with Registration No. MA425/2011. Our mission is to support marginalized cancer patients in Zimbabwe. We recognize that nutrition is essential to the recovery of a cancer patient and so we assist the patients with practical, nutritional needs such as monthly food hampers.
Our vision is to have a healthier Zimbabwean population.

Transparency in how we fundraise & distribute funds to those who we define as marginalized.
Professionalism in all we do, so that we maintain the highest level of professional conduct within the ECCT Team and in how we interact with all stakeholders and members of the population.
Integrity – We believe in acting consistently with all of our principles, in an honest and fair manner.
Open & caring culture – We believe in God and serving others as a fulfillment of His purpose for us. We will fulfill our mission without any political, religious affiliations and/or any discrimination.
Natural – in all we do we aim to maintain a banner of promoting those products most natural to the Earth on which we live. We respect the environment and all the produce most natural to the soil.
Positive life – The ECCT does not focus only on the confronting negative elements of cancer as a disease, but promotes positivity, hope, inspiration and encourages people to live life in the healthiest way possible.

Our Team
Click here ​​​​​​​​to meet the people who enable us to make the ECCT what it is!

Frequently Asked Questions​
Click here to download a copy of our FAQ.
Annual Report 2012
Click here to download a copy of our latest Annual Report.